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With winter approaching and the holiday season in full swing, many organizations that provide shelter for their local homeless population or victims of domestic violence will see their facilities come close to or reach capacity.

A lot of work goes into operating a rescue mission or transitional housing facility, including ensuring every guest has a safe and comfortable experience and regularly encountering emergency situations that require immediate action. In the midst of managing all of these moving parts, the last thing that shelters want to worry about is the quality and efficiency of their furniture.

When it’s time to upgrade your shelter’s sleeping arrangements, our Adult Bunk Beds and Triple Bunk Beds provide the same benefits of other commercial bunk bed options, but with superior care and craftsmanship that can put your mind at ease knowing that your guests will have a satisfying stay that is both safe and comfortable.

Black Bunk Bed in Basement

Space Saving

The primary reason that missions and shelters turn to bunk beds for their facilities is because it allows them to dramatically increase the amount of comfortable and private places for individuals to sleep. By utilizing bunk beds, you can maximize the efficiency of your sleeping areas to fit more people without sacrificing floor space and creating a cramped environment. More proper beds also means the ability to keep your guests from feeling excluded or burdensome by providing each person with a place to lay their head without resorting to cots or sleeping bags.

Incredible Strength That Promotes Inclusivity

On the other hand, the biggest reason many missions may hesitate to use bunk beds is a lack of confidence in their ability to safely accommodate a wide range of guests of all shapes and sizes. Made from premium American aluminum and handcrafted to order based on an innovative, self-reinforcing design, our Adult Bunk Beds have been stress-tested to be able to hold up to 2,000 LBS, more than enough for 2-3 adults at a time. This means you can provide a bed to any and everyone who needs one without worrying about their safety or the bed’s ability to serve them.

Unmatched Durability

When you’re serving hundreds — or thousands — of different people each year, your beds are naturally going to receive a fair amount of wear and tear. Cheaper metal beds will be limited in their capacity and prone to breaking down under stress (especially in spaces where they’re often used by rowdy teenagers or young adults), and wooden bed frames will eventually warp and need to be replaced. In contrast, our sturdy and durable Adult Bunk Beds are built to last a very long time, even under extreme conditions, thanks in large part to the high quality materials we use to construct them. We spare no expense in building beds that you will want to keep using for many years to come.

A Touch of Style

Though our focus is on creating a strong and durable product, it’s important to us to build beds that look good, too. The sleek and sophisticated design of our Adult Bunk Bed looks great in any space and has even inspired professional interior designers to get creative in their work for affluent clients. A far cry from the no-frills utilitarian design of most commercial bunk bed frames, our Adult Bunk Beds will give your space a dash of style and character that will help your guests feel at-ease and comfortable during their stay.

Additional Items

Because all of our bunk beds are custom built to order, we can maximize the functionality of the beds to best suit the needs of the people who will be using them. Upgrade your shelter’s beds with accessories like a tray for the top bunk, headboards so people can sit up easily in bed, or trundles to add even more places to sleep. Contact us and let us know what you need for your facility, and we’ll see what we can do to help.

If you’d like to learn more, click here to read a story about a domestic violence shelter in the Midwest has had great success using our Adult Bunk Beds.

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